Law offices are businesses. We have budgets and overhead costs. We have payroll. We have to buy office supplies, pay the phone bill, and order new printer toner. Like other business owners, we do not want to incur m...
Part of the fun in contract drafting is that the parties can put everything, including the kitchen sink, into the agreement, including what happens when one party breaches the contract. The idea of liquidated damages, mo...
Having copyright protection on your works of art is an important protection for writers, artists, musicians, and other creative types to ensure they can get paid for creating what they do. However, there is a lot of misi...
Before entering into an employment relationship in China, you must sign a written Chinese Employment Contract, which should include a Dispute Clause. This clause will state where and how any potential disputes related to...
The Mongolian legal regime recognizes private ownership of real estate, including land and buildings. Mongolia's 1992 Constitutional Law, together with the Civil Code, (2002), the Law on Property Ownership...