Rule of Law Forum

Re: Proposals Relating to the Rule of Law in China

The following are the proposals ofthe Rule of Law Forum for the promotion of the Rule of Law in China:

1. Restrict Access to Judges and Judges Access to Others during Litigation

(a) To amend the law so as to prohibit meetings between judges and parties to litigation or their representatives, after commencement of litigation, outside the presence of all of the parties to the litigation or their legal representatives, except where a proper ex-parte application is being made.


(b) To amend the law so as to restrictjudges accessto other persons in the court or judiciary, except in rare cases, so as to require the panel of judges (or single judge) that handles a case, to consult solely among themselves and to render a decision without consultation with any other person in or out of the court, except in rare, very difficult cases, which may be referred by the panel of judges or single judge to the adjudication committee of the court for its recommendations.


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