Taking on the Goverment - Alone: Sole Practitioner Battles Way To Supreme Court and Wins

By David C. Buxbaum


Mr. Buxbaum, 45, heads a nine-attorney law firm specializing in international trade (especially pertaining to the People's Republic of China), securities and litigation, with offices in New York and Los Angeles. He has a law degree from Michigan and a doctorate in political science (Chinese law) from the University of Washington.


On day in early 1975, with plenty of time on my hands, I was thumbing through the New York Law Journal and spotted a classified help-wanted ad: a private corporation needed legal assistance in the commodities area. I had some background in securities and commodities, so I responded and soon found myself in the Fifth Avenue offices of the American Board of Trade Inc., talking with the firm's president, Arthur Econombu.


Click here to read the article from Legal Time of Washington. Also, click here to read the Supreme Court Brief for the Respondents.

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