Intellectual Property Mock Trial - A Look Inside Revisions to Intellectual Property Law in China

Anderson & Anderson LLP has presented “Intellectual Property Mock Trial” organized by AmCham South-China dated April 13th 2016, located in The Parkview, Level2 ,The Canton Club, The Canton Place, Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou.


Hosting a mock trial offered a unique look at the intricacies of litigating an IP case in China, and importantly, how new revisions to intellectual property law have changed the environment in which companies can seek recovery for infringement.


Basic introduction of the case
The mock trial mirrors the most common dynamic of a party selling infringing products over the internet. The first Defendant is a household products company, the second is manufacturer, and the third is one of China's largest internet trading platform. The first Defendant has used this platform as a medium to sell products that infringed upon a utility model patent registered in China belonging to the Plaintiff. The mock trial illustrated how the Plaintiff can seek redress in the courts, from the initial complaint to final judgement.


The full breadth of a real trial presented, including: pre-litigation stage, court hearing, verdict issuance, comments and conclusion, and audience Q&A.


The presentation covered all aspects of litigation and offers a unique platform to engage in an informative discussion about the current state of IP law in China.


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